Sunday, July 26, 2009


Funemployment is described as a a happy time in one's life when one is not employed and is not wanting to be employed. Many news outlets have covered this cultural phenomenon and the various ways that people (usually in their 20's) are enjoying themselves with their sudden free time. Some even talk about this shift in outlook as an indication that American society is developing a healthier view on work and life. While I am doing my best to reconnect with myself and take advantage of this time off, I can't say that I have fully embraced the concept.

Maybe it's my age or my type-A personality, but I cannot deny that part of my self-worth comes from my career. Having graduated college in a recession, I started in the business world with the knowledge that I would have to work my ass off to get ahead. While this approach generates a fair amount of stress, it has also allowed me to achieve a certain level of success. That success has in turn defined how I think about myself.

Little things reinforce the strangeness of my current situation--such as reaching for a business card to exchange with a new acquaintance, only to be realize that for the first time in 16+ years I no longer have one (something rectified the next day thanks to VistaPrint), or going to pick up dry cleaning that isn't ready yet since they are not used to seeing me in the store before 6 pm.

While part of me wishes I was like a friend of mine who is taking this time to travel the world and get out of her comfort zone, the reality is that I actually miss working. I'm beginning to think that employment itself just might be fun enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you're still singing that tune in a month! In the meantime, thanks for the honorable mention :).
