We Care bills themselves as "a holistic fasting and spirtual retreat, providing unique programs designed for personal transformation, enahancing body, mind and spirit in a serene desert oasis." What that actually means is that I would not eat solid food for a week, would "enjoy" daily colon hydrotherapy (for those who are curious about this, here's a link--en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_hydrotherapy --I will spare everyone else the details), and I would relax in the 100 degrees that is typical for the desert in June.
In preparation for the cleanse, I did not have any alcohol, caffeine, or food other than fresh fruits/veggies for 2 days prior to my arrival. Once I arrived at the spa on Sunday 5/31, I was handed a coffee cup and a water bottle with my name written on them. Each day, I made my own drinks as follows:
Daily Menu
Drink 1: Acidophilus pill (a good bacteria) with a cup of water
Drink 2: 2 enzyme pills (to digest food residues) with a cup of water
Drink 3: 1 tsp barley greens (for energy) mixed with a cup of water
Drink 4: Detox drink (also known as an intestinal cleanser) made as follows:
- 1 oz organic apple juice
- 20 drops of minerals
- 2 tsp detox drink powder
- mix above to make a smooth paste
- fill remainder of 8 oz cup with water and mix
- DRINK QUICKLY as it tends to solidify =)
- follow with 1 cup of water and a fiber regulator pill (a natural laxative)
Drink 6: Lemon water (this is enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 7: 1 cup of organic vegetable juice (your choice of carrot/beet or a green one)
Drink 8: 1 cup of blood purifier tea (can be enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 9: 1 cup of liver kidney tea (can also be enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 10: 3 powergreen pills (for energy) with a cup of water
Drink 11: Another quasi-solid detox drink (see #4)
Drink 12: 1 cup of organic vegetable soup taken with 2 enzyme pills (also known as "dinner")
Drink 13: 3-5 oz of aloe vera juice (a digestive tonic and mild laxative)
Drink 14: 1 fiber regulator pill (to stimulate the intestine) with water before bed
My first thought was that it was going to be a very long week!
Great Blog! It was a bit serene as we had a long conversation via phone while you were at the spa. I look forward to future blogs. LYMYKYbye,
ReplyDeleteA. Cindy