As the blog title indicates, I am using my "sabbatical" in order to cleanse my life of it's various toxins and stress. The first part of my cleansing began at the
We Care Spa in the Desert Hot Springs.
We Care bills themselves as "a holistic fasting and spirtual retreat, providing unique programs designed for personal transformation, enahancing body, mind and spirit in a serene desert oasis." What that actually means is that I would not eat solid food for a week, would "enjoy" daily colon hydrotherapy (for those who are curious about this, here's a link-- --I will spare everyone else the details), and I would relax in the 100 degrees that is typical for the desert in June.
In preparation for the cleanse, I did not have any alcohol, caffeine, or food other than fresh fruits/veggies for 2 days prior to my arrival. Once I arrived at the spa on Sunday 5/31, I was handed a coffee cup and a water bottle with my name written on them. Each day, I made my own drinks as follows:
Daily MenuDrink 1: Acidophilus pill (a good bacteria) with a cup of water
Drink 2: 2 enzyme pills (to digest food residues) with a cup of water
Drink 3: 1 tsp barley greens (for energy) mixed with a cup of water
Drink 4: Detox drink (also known as an intestinal cleanser) made as follows:
- 1 oz organic apple juice
- 20 drops of minerals
- 2 tsp detox drink powder
- mix above to make a smooth paste
- fill remainder of 8 oz cup with water and mix
- DRINK QUICKLY as it tends to solidify =)
- follow with 1 cup of water and a fiber regulator pill (a natural laxative)
Drink 5: Energy tea
Drink 6: Lemon water (this is enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 7: 1 cup of organic vegetable juice (your choice of carrot/beet or a green one)
Drink 8: 1 cup of blood purifier tea (can be enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 9: 1 cup of liver kidney tea (can also be enjoyed throughout the day)
Drink 10: 3 powergreen pills (for energy) with a cup of water
Drink 11: Another quasi-solid detox drink (see #4)
Drink 12: 1 cup of organic vegetable soup taken with 2 enzyme pills (also known as "dinner")
Drink 13: 3-5 oz of aloe vera juice (a digestive tonic and mild laxative)
Drink 14: 1 fiber regulator pill (to stimulate the intestine) with water before bed
My first thought was that it was going to be a very long week!